419 . 447 . 7028 | jkinmotion@sbcglobal.net
I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your studio. You're VERY organized and professional and take safety precautions, which as the parent of a 4 yr old...I really appreciate. I'm thankful that you have made In Motion such a pleasant experience for us.
Keisha E.
My daughter really enjoyed her first year, and there were many things I appreciated throughout the year...the energy and positive attitudes the instructors had with the girls each week, the flow of information and handouts, and the attention to detail that went into planning a lovely recital. We're proud to be a part of your studio!
Kristi J.
I have yet to see a recital that compares in organization, professionalism, and an excitement in the dancers as I have seen at In Motion. I am proud to send my daughter and she is having the best time! I wanted to share that my grandmother said her attendance of the recital was the best night she has had in years! Well done!
Jessica C.
International Dance Entrepreneurs Association
In Motion Dance Studio, Inc. is a
Proud Member of the
International Dance Entrepreneurs Association
Great Studio. Great Location.
In Motion Dance Studio, Inc.
42 Ashwood Drive
Tiffin, OH 44883